Self-Regulation: 3 Quick Tips and Skills to Ease the 'Freeze' Responses

by Dr. Ioana Popa
As a follow-up from the previous week, today I unpack 3 tips and skills to navigate when put on the spot & caught off guard by family members or others, and feel like almost in a freeze response.
These 'Up-regulating' tips can be practiced for just a few minutes a day, right in time before the Holiday season, and I encourage you to think of Self-care and Self-regulation as Co-regulation with God.
I will share some personal stories to illustrate the points and inspire you with a bible verse. As we approach and navigate the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, there's no better time to practice these skills!
And in the next 2 episodes, you will get a chance to pause, relax and connect with God through scripture - so consider them as an Oasis in the midst of action.
So let's get started by clicking play now.
Merry Christmas and I am sending you many blessings and prayers!
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