Worried about Burnout? Common Mistakes to Avoid: #1 - Hyperfocus on Setting Boundaries

by Dr. Ioana Popa
As Christian women, we know that we are created in the image and likeness of God - we long to partake of the living waters and carry the light of Christ into the world. But sometimes, in our enthusiasm to serve and help others, we might say "yes" to too many things, taking on more than we can handle. But eventually, we might find ourselves juggling too many responsibilities, feeling overwhelmed or exhausted - at which point we look for a way to solve this.
Nonetheless, many times we try to overcompensate - which can lead us back into stress.
If this is you, today I am unpacking one of the mistakes which can keep us in the cycle of stress and burnout: focusing only on setting boundaries.
Setting healthy boundaries is very important, but is not the ultimate solution.
I'll share the essential KEY to preventing burnout so that you can keep on giving and serving others.
I will go over briefly a multidisciplinary perspective to this: theological, medical, psychiatric, IFS (internal Family Systems) and Psychosynthesis.
And also how this overfocus on boundaries can impact decision-making around relationships, jobs, monastic life etc.
And if you find it helpful, share it with other Christian Women to inspire them toward freedom in Christ.
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