Three Tips to Deal with Fight or Flight Reactions During Christmas Season (and Beyond)

by Dr. Ioana Popa
Ultimately Christmas is about the great news of the incarnate Christ and the reality of eternal life, inviting us to a season of gratitude. At the same time, preparing for family gatherings and wrapping up the year can leave us wondering: will our peaceful presence be disrupted by the many activities and upcoming interactions?
Will we get put on the spot, get more stressed, disappointed or even frustrated with others' sometimes less-than-ideal behaviors?
Will we lose our peace and 'spoil' this amazing season, when all we want is that 'peace that surpasses all understanding,' for everyone to get along and to stay connected with God every day?
If you ever found yourself worrying about all this, here is an episode for you with 3 tips/skills, to help yourself when you are on the spot, with a hyperactivating nervous system, so that you can be the 'eye of the storm.'
Ready to learn to navigate challenging moments with grace? Let's dive in!
And let me know which tip from this week you are most excited to try and practice!!
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