Thriving in Christ 


Do You Sacrifice Yourselves on the 'Altar of Others'? Renewal Conversation with Leslie Davis

, trinity 174 | do you sacrifice yourselves on the 'altar of others'? renewal conversation with leslie davis leslie davis emotional intelligence transformative faith best selling author missions & legacy can we see god's faithfulness? christ christian faith and psychology christian spirituality christian women dr. ioana popa faith grow with scripture growing with christ ioana popa missionaries orthodox christian community orthodox christian women prayer professional christian women seeing god's faithfulness everywhere servant leaders team for the soul thriving in christ watchfulness focus word of god
Do You Live 'On the Altar' Of Others?

As Christian Givers, we love to serve and give to others, but how often do we find ourselves overdoing it and then running on empty? 


I am reminded of the Bible parable of the 10 virgins and how the five foolish ones had no more oil in their lamps. Sometimes, giving too much to others can feel this way: we have no more "inner oil" to sustain our giving. 


From this perspective, it is almost as if we are "sacrificing on the altar of others." It happened to me (twice) and to Leslie Davis, bestselling author of "The Journey From FAILing to HEALing" and "You Can’t Eat Love," 


Leslie's twenty-year journey to God helped her overcome this, develop emotional intelligence, learn about self-love healthily, and look for God in unexpected places. 


Now she knows that the only person who kept her away from God was herself, and she empowers her audience with a transformative message of faith, healing, and self-discovery.


With warmth, authenticity, and biblical wisdom, Leslie connects deeply with people from all walks of life, guiding them toward healing and a stronger relationship with Christ.  


Join today's Renewal Conversation in Thriving in Christ show to learn:


✨ How a three-day trip to Zimbabwe returned Leslie's life to Him. 

✨The importance of emotional intelligence and being authentic with ourselves, as God already knows what we hold inside anyway. 

✨ That God speaks to us in mysterious ways, and all we have to do is to keep our eyes and hearts open.

✨ How God is with us even when we don't see, hear, or feel Him.  

✨ That He is patient even when we are impatient with ourselves.


Find Leslie Davis' books

You Can't Eat Love:

The Journey from FAILing to HEALing:

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