Does the Soul exist? Does it even matter? And if so, how can one tap into it?

by Dr. Ioana Popa
Do we have a soul? Does it even exist? How do we even know? And does it matter? Is this even connected to our ability to regenerate so that we can keep on giving?
Questions like these are not necessarily making the headlines nor are they popular in our culture.
They do not inundate our social media, newsfeed nor our inbox. We can live for sure a comfortable life for a while, without even paying attention to them.
But eventually, without paying attention to what might be happening inside our inner world, beyond our thoughts, emotions, perceptions and body sensations, many people reach a point of feeling disconnected from themselves, feeling exhausted, tired, even forgetting their purpose, meaning or sense of joy.
Maybe "burnout", "midlife crisis" or the "dark night of the soul" are just some terms used to describe this.
But what if the soul exists and it is essential to our human condition and to live the fullness of our lives - wouldn't we want to know it in our life time, sooner rather than later - before hitting burnout or get sick?
In this first part of the series on Caring For Our Soul, we will start unpacking these questions, including HOW to discover and answer this for yourself.
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