Scripture, Renewal Blueprint and Memory - 'Not everything is good for me'

by Dr. Ioana Popa
How often do we find ourselves caught in cycles of feeling rejuvenated, prayerful and peaceful at times, only to fall 'off the wagon' and end up feeling strained and exhausted due to the ebb and flow of responsibilities and cries of help from the ones we serve?
For years, I made myself the promise to break this pattern, only to find myself back in it, over and over. And this cycle is all too common among Christian women, and it has led many of us to repeat cycles of burnout.
And not succeeding can lead to a pervasive unhelpful belief that life as a Christian must be difficult, and we must 'endure' it to the end.
I don't know about you, but I don't find this belief very helpful. I get the idea behind it, to always have hope and be resilient, but shouldn't we also live in joy and 'rejoice always'?
I found that many Christian women then take any status quo for granted, and end up not empowering themselves in God to make sustainable changes when they could.
We can change these cycles and make sustainable changes.
Yes, it is in our power. Many things we cannot change, but many we can, especially in our inner landscape, and this is one of them.
And there is a way out of these cycles - one that is gentle, sustainable and life-giving, so that you do not have to take your eyes from God nor from serving others.
It does require some time to set it up first and some thinking, planning and testing, but it is not as straining as you might think.
Today, I unpack the 3 fundamental mistakes we make as Christian women that perpetuate this cycle, and I'll show you how to move past it to live life regenerated no matter the season.
It truly made a huge difference in my life and the ones that implemented this strategy.
Are you ready? Let's get started and click play!
And if you find it helpful, share it with other Christian Women to inspire them toward freedom in Christ.
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