Embracing the Unknown with God during Silence & Contemplation

by Dr. Ioana Popa
Have you ever found yourself sitting in silence and contemplation to only notice lots of things going on inside of you? You might experience thoughts, stories (past or future) emotions or body sensations and even feel confused or dissatisfied at times, saying "why can't I sit in silence quietly? What is wrong with me?"
If so, you're not alone, as this is a common experience. And the way around it is to remember our goal for these practices, which is to ultimately be with God, no matter what happens!
And this means that at times we need to be ok with being confused, or not knowing, realizing that we 'do not know' many things and that is ok! We can go to God anyway.
And in one Bible verse God shares with us that, even when we do not know, He encourages us to come to Him.
I unpack all this in this short episode, to inspire you to always find your compass and turn toward God, especially as you stay in silence and contemplation.
So, if you're ready, put on your earbuds, take a quick break and let's dive in, so that you can continue to serve others in Christ with joy, energy and peace. Click PLAY NOW.
Your sister in Christ,
Dr. Ioana
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