Thriving in Christ 


Five Effortless Practices to Close the Gap Between Your Intentions & Actions

sustaining wholesome habits
move into action with intention

by Dr. Ioana Popa

As successful as we are as Christian Women professionals and servant leaders, how many times do we want to do things and end up delaying or not doing them?

And, at the opposite end, we sometimes impulsively jump into action, to only regret it later.

These moments of mismatch between our true intentions and our actions can drain our energy, nagging us in the back of our minds, that we 'are not good enough.'

Sometimes these nagging thoughts are just below the surface of our consciousness, leaving us with an unshakable feeling of a 'fraud' when we know intellectually that we are not.

And, the reality is that this phenomenon is very common, and even St. Paul experienced it (more inside the resources below)!

Wouldn't it be wonderful to find a balance where we can consciously move into action when and how we truly want it, based on our values, our plans and the guidance from God?

As we move into the fall season, in this episode, I'll unpack the psychological function behind it, that of the EFFORTLESS WILL, which you can train with 5 practical exercises to get to that place of alignment between your intentions and actions.

Your sister in Christ,
Dr. Ioana



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