Thriving in ChristĀ 


Harnessing the Power of Emotions: Wisdom from the Bible, Science & Psychology

grow with scriptures & science & psychology
Is Being EMOTIONAL A Bad Thing? What Can You Do..

by Dr. Ioana Popa

As Christian women, we are often more in touch with our emotions, which can sometimes carry negative connotations, especially in social situations.

You might have heard comments like, "Oh, women are so emotional."

And to make things more complicated, emotions come with their own negative stories and thought patterns, which can make our emotions even more intense.

But it is not our fault! God created us in such a way, that we naturally experience variations in our emotions and energy levels: one day we can be joyful, peaceful, and another day we might feel fearful or nervous.

The good news? Emotions can be harnessed and put to great work.

Emotions can be very helpful and enrich our lives, and there is a reason now in Psychology we talk about 'Emotional Intelligence.' And, in general, as women, we have a lot of this type of intelligence.

So, even with intense negative emotions, we are not stuck and we can harness them.

In the resource for this week, you will learn about 3 universal Laws impacting Emotions, along with how all of these laws are in synchronicity with an amazing Bible Verse.

CLICK PLAY NOW if you want to learn more about our emotions!

Your sister in Christ,
Dr. Ioana



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