Does Psychology have anything to say about the Soul?

by Dr. Ioana Popa
If you ever wondered what Psychology or Science might have to say about what IS, beyond our mind (thoughts), heart (emotions), perception and body sensations, then watch this short video for a quick introduction.
Some people might call this 'the Soul' in spiritual traditions, but different words might be used in Psychology or Science, although they might be describing similar experiences as the religious sages for centuries!
Today's invitation is to shine forth that humanity, for as long as it existed, has been preoccupied with what IS beyond our mind, heart and body.
And although different people use different words, there is a way to bridge that.
Personally, (as you might have figured out 😂) I am familiar with science, psychology, spiritual care, and Christian faith - and these are the languages I bring to the table.
But of course, there are more 'languages' to integrate.
I argue that this process is ongoing, and will require many of us doing this kind of work - a movement of some sort.
WHY bridging and 'translating' these 'languages' about our inner experiences?
This can help us to see the other more like 'us' and not like 'them'.
It can bridge the GAP between the various cultures and the perceived differences in our inner experiences, and allow us to find that Third Way - beyond the extensive polarities we live in.
Beyond the mere fact that we are sharing about 99.9% of our DNA with all fellow humans, it can help us realize that we are also not that different from each other - in our inner experiences.
This can pave the way to experience more dialogue, understanding and compassion for each other as fellow journers on this earth.
May you be inspired to search for the truth and bridge various 'languages' describing our inner common experiences as human beings, so that you can inspire others and keep on giving in your own unique way for the betterment of humanity.
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