Asceticism As Healthy Detachment - 'Like A Tree' Contemplation for Christian Women

by Dr. Ioana Popa
Here is an invitation to spend some time today with Scripture verse in a short contemplative practice.
The Bible verse in this episode I absolutely love, and I pray that it will help you nourish your body, emotions, thoughts, soul, and connect with God - who is the ultimate nourishment for us from the inside-out.
As we connect with God in our inner foldings of our soul, we become in time more and more detached from the three-dimensional world (not that we don't need it!) and bring balance and peace, which can translate into more balanced and peaceful interactions with others.
This healthy detachment is what early christians called asceticism, and there is a way to do this with gentleness and compassion, while making sure that we also care for our needs in a balanced way.
So get ready to relax and sit down for this Contemplative Practice and a Bible Verse to spend time with God.
This way you can regenerate and continue to serve others in Christ with joy, energy and peace.
AND make sure you do NOT drive NOR operate any machineries while doing Contemplative Practices, as we access different forms of inner awareness and are less attentive to external situations.
When you are ready, click PLAY
May this bless you abundantly!
Your sister in Christ,
Dr. Ioana
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