Prepare For Giving: Our Needs At The Body Level

by Dr. Ioana Popa
We are often conditioned to think that the needs of our bodies are more elaborate than they really are. In our culture, it is not uncommon for us to get dissatisfied with our bodies and try to change them constantly. "Can I lose some weight? Can I get more muscles?" The list goes on.
However, the body is very intelligent and, unless there's a disease, its needs are more simple than we think.
Things can get a bit more confusing though due to the inner felt sense of overlap between the needs of our bodies and our emotional needs. For example, eating that yummy chocolate - might be in response to an emotional need and not a true body need.
In this video, you can review how to start navigating the difference between the needs of the body and your emotional needs and learn about the simple and straightforward needs of the body.
This is relevant throughout the day, but it is especially important in the morning, in order to set the stage for a great day, as you prepare for giving.
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