Nurturing The Gifts of the Holy Spirit - The Power of Your Focus

by Dr. Ioana Popa
If you are a Christian Giver and focused on serving others in Christ, you might often feel tired or even exhausted. This was me 10 years ago, until I was able to put together, through all my decades of professional and personal experience to reverse this and truly find condensed ways to regenerate while in action, while serving people with joy, ease and peace of mind. And through working and helping countless of people, I saw the patterns that not only I, but many Christians were doing and still doing.
In today's video, I will go over the biggest mistake and what to do about it TODAY. This is a repost and here is why:
1. We have had the huggest snowstorm since we moved to New Hampshire and we went without power for a while - so I did not have time to record a high-quality video, like you deserve! Nonetheless...
2. This video IS the most foundational video, holding the KEY to inner freedom - and I don't see anyone else talking about and it is worth reposting and watching over and over.
Bear with me in this video and watch ALL the images that I share - they will revolutionize the way you see your inner world and how to access inner freedom in Christ. This idea in itself can bring so much value, that is worth watching the video on replay a few times.
Taking care of ourselves and connecting authentically and deeply with God, the source of our existence, IS essential in order to serve others with joy, patience, energy AND without the fear of burnout - and you can take the first step today in discovering your inner freedom and nurture the "Gifts of the Holy Spirit".
This is the process I use with my students inside of my programs and has transformed lives!
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