Thriving in ChristĀ 


Lifting Up Our Neighbors Who Are Suffering - In Prayer

grow with scriptures & science & psychology
Prayer for our neighbors in suffering

by Dr. Ioana Popa

There's so much happening in our world right now, from hurricanes in Florida, upcoming elections, to ongoing struggles across the country and in the world.

Most likely you have been praying already - so thank you for that! And in today's episode on Youtube and Podcast, the invitation is to do it TOGETHER, across time and space throughout the DAY, to cover those who suffer with our prayers.

Christ said whenever 2 or 3 are gathered in His name, He is with us.

As Christian women, our prayers are powerful. Our prayers are important. God listens to our prayers - they matter!

You can pray using this episode and then spread the word (share the email, share the episode on social or through messaging) so, as many of us can lift up in concentrated prayer today those who are suffering: our neighbors, our communities, and all those in need.

We are born in the image and likeness of God and every human being is our neighbor and they need our prayers.

Ready? Click PLAY.



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