Thriving in ChristĀ 


Regenerate Through the Body In Just A Few Minutes: Contemplative Practice

contemplative practices staying in flow
Contemplation: In Resourceful State, Through the Body

by Dr. Ioana Popa

As Christian women wanting to serve others in our vocation, it's easy to get pulled in too many directions as we often carry responsibilities that leave us feeling depleted. But what if you could find calm and renewal in just a few minutes?

Wait, is that even possible? Yes, the fastest way to shift our state of being is through our body. We are psycho-somatic beings, and psychological research is showing that as we shift our body, our emotions and even our hormones change in the moment!

In Christian theology, God is sending us constantly His Energies, if we can only get into the right habits to access them. Another way to think about this is that we nurture the Fruits of the Spirit.

In psychology and science, this means we access our True Self, through our Parasympathetic nervous system.

So in today's episode, you get access to a Contemplative Practice designed to regenerate your body so that you slightly shift the way your body leans into God which, when practiced often, can impact the rest of your being.

Ready to rejuvenate and tap into the "living waters"? Pause in your day, sit down, click PLAY to discover how to feel regenerated and regulated in just a few minutes.

Sending you many blessings and prayers in Christ,

Dr. Ioana




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