Thriving in Christ 


Listening, Missions & Legacy: Seeing God's Faithfulness Everywhere, with Rozanne Rucker

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Culture, Listening, and Love

Have you ever had a chance to live in another country for an extended period of time? It can be such a transformative experience.

As a psychiatrist, I've read an interesting article about the "third individuation," which describes another layer of identity integration happening for people who immigrate or live for an extended period in another part of the world (the first two major identity formation/individuations usually happen during toddler years and then adolescence)

As a missionary child and then adult, Mka. Rozanne Rucker had the opportunity to experience the profound transformation that comes from experiencing many cultures, which has led her to where she is today as the wife of a priest, a therapist, a coach, a mother, and a grandmother.  

I had the privilege of interviewing her in the Renewal Conversations, where we discussed her journey in Christ and brought you nuggets of self-care and regeneration. 

Rozanne Rucker is a licensed marriage and family therapist (LMFTKentucky). She now mainly coaches, and her clients benefit from the skills she's gained from twenty-two years of experience in the field and decades of being a clergy wife. 

Rozanne loves serving her community. She helps individuals, couples, and families from a variety of backgrounds. 

Those she helps express gratitude for her ability to make them feel valued and heard with her non-judgemental approach. 

In today's episode, you'll learn:

✨ How traveling and growing up as a Protestant pastor's daughter helped open her eyes to the world in the best way possible.  

✨How learning about other cultures allowed Rozanne to appreciate her own even more.

The value of seeking out truths about yourself, even if it goes against what you were taught as a child.  

✨Self-care and renewal nuggets and how saying YES to everyone and everything leads to burnout

✨How listening allows the other person to share phenomenal stories and can help you learn more about yourself. 

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