Thriving in ChristĀ 


3 Steps to Set Meaningful Intentions For The New Year

achieving highest potential renewal-on-the-go
3 Steps to Set Meaningful Intentions For The New Year

by Dr. Ioana Popa

Do you find it hard sometimes to follow through with your list of New Year's resolutions? The challenge for most people is that we can set up big goals which might be hard to keep up with for an entire year. There's nothing wrong with setting big goals but sometimes it might be helpful to set instead small and meaningful intentions aligned with your values.

Intentions that are deeply rooted to your values can last longer and might be easier to sustain throughout the new year and the years to come.

In this Renewal Nugget, I share a simple 3-step formula with guiding questions to help you identify on the spot and set intentions for the New Year (or beyond!) that are more aligned with your inner vision.

May your new year be filled with many and daily renewal and regenerating moments!

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