Thriving in ChristĀ 


Wrestling With Sharing Your Christian Faith? Powerful Distinction to Move Mountains

care for the soul - true self
wrestling with sharing your faith?

by Dr. Ioana Popa

As Christians, we love to glorify God and share the transformative power of Christ in our lives with others. However, this can fall on 'deaf ears' sometimes, with others challenging our faith especially in our pluralistic society.

This can bring grief and can leave us Christians at a loss for words on how to share about our faith.

The good news is that there is a POWERFUL DISTINCTION that 'can move mountains,' which I address today in this episode, along with 3 STEPS that you can take in conversations with skeptical others.

And I will share my own journey of transformation many decades ago, from full-blown scientific skepticism to encountering the living God!

This will exemplify this distinction and the 3 steps that I was inadvertently taught by a priest way back in Romania.

And if you are celebrating Pascha (Easter) this Sunday - may you have a blessed Holy Friday and Resurrection!

Ready to discover this distinction and learn about the 3 Steps? Click PLAY NOW.

Your sister in Christ,

Dr. Ioana



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