At the Seat of Your Consciousness, with 'Roots so Deep': Thirsting for the 'Living Waters'?

by Dr. Ioana Popa
Do you ever feel like you're on a treadmill, grasping for that 'peace that surpasses all understanding'? And feeling tired at times for endlessly searching for the deeper fulfillment in your life?
Most of us are conditioned by our culture to look outside of ourselves in order to find peace, joy, purpose and to connect with God, either through books, inspiration, peaceful nature, church services, food, exercise, travel, work, relationships etc.
They are all very important of course, but this tendency keeps us searching and looking EXTERNALLY for something that can only be found INSIDE.
This can lead to problems because our peace becomes dependent on external conditions, which many times we cannot control or require a lot of effort (and can feel exhausting).
In Jeremiah 17:7-8, we learn that if we trust God, our 'roots' will grow deep and we will not suffer 'drought', but keep on bearing fruit.
Is there something inside of us, beyond our physical 3D world that can nourish us on a daily basis?
What does the 'living waters' mean in our inner psychological and spiritual landscape?
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