Grief Recovery Method® Programs

 Complete Grief and Say Goodbye to Unnecessary Pain Toward ...

Living Your Life At Your Fullest

with Sebastien Falardeau, MA

Advanced Grief Recovery Specialists® 

Is Your Heart Broken, Lost, or Stuck?

Is your heart broken, lost or stuck?

After losses, often people say you have to let go and move on with your life, but they don’t tell you what you need to do to accomplish that.

The Grief Recovery Method® not only makes moving on possible, but provides partnerships and step-by-step guidance to ensure that it happens.


  • Time heals all wounds
  • Replace the loss
  • Grieve alone
  • Be strong for others
  • Bury your feelings
  • Keep busy


  • Death
  • Divorce
  • End of a Relationship
  • Loss of Trust, Faith, Safety, Health, Career, Pet
  • Loss due to friends/family with Alzheimer or other chronic diseases 

The Grief Recovery Method® (GRM)

1 on 1 AND  8 Week Online Group Programs

Team For The Soul Grief Recovery Method

The GRM Program might be for you if you identify with ANY of these situations:  

1. You experienced a loss through death, divorce, separation, illness, loss of a job, health, dream, or pet etc. and you find yourself stuck in life, unfulfilled, unable to make decisions or filled with sadness or resentment.

2. The recent global events have added even more to your list of losses, such as loss of connections, finances, sense of normalcy, loss of your business or sense of purpose.

3. You are filled with mixed feelings such as sadness, regrets, guilt or resentment about your losses.

4. You experienced the loss of loved ones, and you are concerned that if you ‘complete’ the grief you will forget or betray them.

5. You worry that your loss is so intense or unique that no one could really understand you.

6. You have children at home who are grieving and you are not sure how to help them.

7. Although you experience grief, you are now interested to learn the empowering STEPS to  move through grief and say Goodbye to past pain!

Do you Want to learn more about what Grief Recovery® Process is like?


Listen to this short video with Dr. Ioana describing the powerful and Evidence-based Grief Recovery Method® process and what to expect from our GRM Programs.

CLICK HERE to get started!

The Grief Recovery Method® was, for me, the beginning of the end of hurting through loss. It gave me a safe space, confidential and non-judgmental, where I could express my pain. 

It also gave me the tools and the time-frame in which to process the events, to see them with fresh eyes, to accept that I can never change them, only my reaction to them. I was afraid that reading my letter in a language different from the one that I think and live would not have the desired result. I shouldn’t have, because the process of writing the letter was in both languages.

Every person can benefit if they truly and truthfully go through the process. It is not only for the past but also for how one meets every event.

— Anonymous

Claim Your Free Resource Today! 

Grief Recovery Method Guide for Loss

61 Tips on the experience of Grief and how to help people through it.


What is the Grief Recovery Method®?  

If you are like most people, you’ve experienced several losses in your lifetime. Unfortunately, it is common to push hard to overcome losses and to be strong for yourself or others, but then feel stuck, knowing deep down that you might be missing out in life.

The Grief Recovery Method® is an eight-week Evidenced-based program developed by Grief Recovery Institute® over several decades and presented by Sebastien as an Advanced Grief Recovery® Specialist.

The program has weekly sessions, where he helps you step-by-step with presence and compassion, to move through grief towards emotional recovery and living a fulfilled life. 

This program is for adults and works for any type of losses,  no matter what the circumstances: from death and dying, to the loss of  your job, family members, friends, romantic relationships, loss of dreams or loss of faith. 

The Grief Recovery Method helped me identify and process the great grief I experienced after my father died. I discovered much more about my relationship with my father and about my father’s impact on my life. These discoveries have brought me to a new place of peace and wholeness.

— A.M., Boston, MA

This program enabled me to transform my relationship with my mother by letting go of decades of hurt and grief around our relationship. And by freeing myself of that old grief, I received emotional energy that I’m now using to move forward in other areas of my life. This is a very powerful program.

— Lydia H., Boston, MA
Sebastien Falardeau

About Sebastien  

  • Advanced Grief Recovery® Specialist
  • Certified Psychosynthesis Life Coach
  • Internal Family Systems (IFS) Level 1 
  • Trained in Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care - 4 CPE Units (Clinical Pastoral Care Education)
  • Master in Systematic Theology
  • Master in Spiritual Care

Sebastien has been trained as an interfaith chaplain and has a passion for supporting people along their journey of loss and grief. He brings not only the proven method of Grief Recovery®, but also years of personal and professional experience working with many people around life transitions. 

He loves to integrate his work with theology and interfaith spirituality, bringing comfort to people in need. His additional trainings in Psychosynthesis Life Coaching, Internal Family System (IFS) and Grief Recovery Method® has provided him with great professional expertise and has deepened his compassionate way of being. 

He presents at conferences and leads workshops. On a personal note, he enjoys time with family, playing games, cooking, reading comic books and doing academic research and writing. 

MORE about Sebastien

The Grief Recovery Method® program is a unique supportive and non-judgmental environment to finally process stuck grief and let it go in a peaceful, well-paced way, to be able to let more space, clarity and light in your life.

Sebastien is a very kind, wise and no-pressure leader, who helps foster a sense of closeness and mutual support in the group. It is a great program to begin your healing journey.

— RK

Frequently Asked Questions

Next Steps . . .

Book a COMPLIMENTARY  Call to see if Grief Recovery Method® is a great fit for you!

NOTE - Although Sebastien is usually leading the programs, Ioana will be on the call and answer any questions and get you set up with the program. Looking forward to connecting soon!


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